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Wolf Asylum Page 2
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Page 2
“Your dad beat you worse than Teddy did. All because he heard you and I were in the shower together. Fuck, you had just got back to school from the last beating. After all this time I don’t know how you survived. What happened to you wasn’t all that rare, at all. Guys pop wood in the showers at that age all the time. Gay or not, it’s just the extreme testosterone—reflexive. You had no way to control it, but your bigot father kept trying to fix you.”
Darwin sat in silence for awhile. He had argued with himself before. The same problems and the same questions would always arise. He knew all too well where things had gone badly. If he could go back in time, he knew where he would make changes. Thinking about the bullying and abuse never helped him absolve himself of the pain, it just continued to fester in his mind.
“Why was no one there to protect us? It’s like this town just turns a blind eye whenever something bad happens. Do you want to know why I kill? This town made me what I am. My humanity died long before I became a werewolf. Years of abuse at school and home made me a monster. Truth is, I wanted to kill people. I wanted others to feel how I felt. My first murder…” For a moment Darwin drifted away from his friend.
“So, how have you been?” Darwin said, attempting to change the subject. “That good, huh? Why did you have to do it, Steve? You must have known something was different about me. If you had just stayed with me a few more minutes, then everything would have been fine. God I miss you.” Darwin welled up again with a snot bubble similar to the day in the shower.
“I’m still working on Teddy for you. He’s a tough guy, tasty though! He’s got one arm left; after it’s gone I’m not sure what to do with him. I might turn him and then let him starve. That death would be slow and agonizing! If not for that piece of shit, I wouldn’t be the man I am today, neither would you,” Darwin said, keeping the conversation away from the unpleasantness.
“I hope you like this spot. It’s peaceful, I think. The view of the surrounding hills and mountains, I thought you’d like it here. I had your parents exhumed and disposed of, too. I’m sorry I didn’t mention that sooner. I know you hated them but I didn’t know how you would react. They were cremated and then I had their ashes scattered at a gay bar in San Francisco. It was the most insulting thing I could do to them.” Darwin paused with a smirk ,waiting for his friend to react, but nothing was said. The two sat in silence for awhile.
“I wish I knew, Steve. I’ve given it a lot of thought and I still have no clue how this happened to me. I think I just want to know, because if I was simply blessed and I am the first, then everything we’re doing is right and just. The species is evolving and ethically we are superior to what we replaced. On the other hand, if I was infected by another, then what I am doing is of my own conception. I turn others into mass murderers. The taste of blood consumes them, as it has consumed me. My value for humanity is all but gone. When I meet a human all I want to do is rip open their chest and feast away.” Darwin hesitated. The thought aroused him once more.
“Yes, I feel we are superior! In every way!” Darwin crouched and placed his palm on the cold marble of the stone marker. In his dark clothes he could have been a Rodin sculpture.
“Oh, don’t give me that shit, Steve! You make it seem like I’m cold and callus. We finally had a chance to hit back, to make those fucking assholes die! I did it! I killed them all and I did it for you!
“What are you saying? I’ve gone too far?” Darwin asked, but again was only greeted by silence from the headstone. “You don’t understand what it’s like. We must feed. I’m not human anymore and I’m not guided by those standards. How could I stop, the feeding must go on if the evolution is to continue!”
Darwin got up off the cold grass and began to walk away. Steve yelled back at Darwin from his frigid altar.
“For fuck sakes, what is it? If you’ve got something to say, say it!”
Steve looked solemnly onwards.
“I hate it when you do this.”
The stone looked into the sky as a donut cloud passed overhead. Darwin glanced up and saw what Steve had been looking at and it made him grin. “It’s just a donut. What of it?” It drifted over the sun casting a shade over the entire area. Darwin thought of glazed or even chocolate donuts, but neither was appealing. The picture in the sky drifted quickly and as the eye of the cloud crossed the sun the warm brilliant light shot through the hole hitting Darwin and Steve. The image was brief but clear.
“That was for me, wasn’t it? Thank you my friend. I think I understand.” Darwin returned to the headstone and again seated himself.
“I…lo…” Darwin trailed off not even able to mouth the words. Instead, he asked, “So, what’s really on your mind? I get the feeling you’re holding back.” Darwin asked.
“I’m wondering how long you’ve been talking to a headstone?” Caroline Lutz asked. “They told me you might be here.”
Darwin shot back startled, “did they also mention I was not to be disturbed?”
“No one wanted to come and get you. I volunteered. I’ve heard about your privacy when you come here. I wouldn’t have come unless I thought it was urgent,” Caroline reassured.
“What is it?” Darwin asked, rising to his feet.
“The Director of Riverview Psychiatric Institute changed his appointment from tomorrow to today and he’ll be here in less than an hour. I know how important that meeting is for us. Doctor Gagnon has already been notified and is on her way to City Hall, Tara is at the office and is prepared to host the meeting, but we knew you wanted to be there.”
“Thank you Caroline, you were right to come.” Darwin walked away from his friend not knowing what was on Steve’s mind. That question would have to be left for another day.
“May I ask who he was?” Caroline asked.
“A good friend who should have been by my side in this. That choice was taken away from me. Now, I come here when I need guidance or companionship. It is my way of remembering a great man,” Darwin offered.
“We all remember our loved ones in different ways. If that’s what works for you, then you shouldn’t worry about what others think.” Caroline replied.
“It’s a private matter,” Darwin concluded before marching ahead of Caroline. “What do we know about this man from Riverview?
“Very little. We know more about the hospital. The hospital was built in 1897 and is slated for demolition next year. It is the only sanatorium within five hundred miles that deals with the criminally insane. Riverview was considered a premier facility for treatment and detention of the worst in psychiatric problems. Unfortunately for them, the buildings have been condemned and no one is willing to front the money for a new hospital. That’s where we come in. By offering a replacement without strings attached we can all but assure ourselves the care center moving here.”
Darwin sighed. “What if they don’t like what we’re offering? Let’s face it, a geriatric hospital is a long way from mental hospital.”
“True, but I think we can reassure Riverview that with some minor upgrades it can be made into an effective psychiatric hospital. If we’re the ones flipping the bill, do they really care?”
“What about the patients, will they be missed?” Darwin asked.
“From what I have heard, these people are the forgotten. No one visits them because there’s nothing to visit. Most have no clue of who or what they are. I think in the long run it will be a solid and replenishing source of food for us.”
“How many patients are we talking about?”
Caroline replied as a matter of fact, “Riverview can house nearly a thousand patients, but that was in its heyday. The numbers now are around five hundred and I expect we would only be taking the worst of the worst, so roughly three hundred and fifty. I was thinking with numbers that low, we might consider utilizing the female patients in the breeding program.”
Darwin nodded. “That’s a good idea. You’re not so bad, Caroline. You’ve come a long way since January,” he admitted in tr
uth. “Do you ever think about the people you left behind in Special Handling?”
Caroline remained silent for a moment, contemplating her feelings but she finally answered, “when I changed the first time, I knew what I was. It felt amazing and I loved it. I knew I was an accident and I thought I could fight you, fight for the captives; but once I fed it all began to make sense. In a way the only reason I hold any thoughts for the ones I left behind is knowing they could be like me, but I have no use for them the way they are now. Does that make sense?”
“I think so,” Darwin said slowly.
Hearing someone else struggle with the same emotions made him feel better about his own situation. The change in thought process was a normal one. Darwin stumbled on his words, but his next question had been nagging him for awhile.
“Do you think we do the things we do because we have to, or because we want to?”
“Deep thinking, Darwin,” Caroline joked.
“I’m serious. What do you think?” Darwin’s concern dampened his eyes.
“Well…” she started and then stopped. Actually, she had never considered the question herself. Caroline had killed more than her fair share of people and had embraced her existence, quickly turning on the people she had once been a prisoner with. The gift had consumed her, as it had consumed every other infected person; but the question demanded an answer.
“I don’t know,” she replied honestly. “A part of me knows the answer lies somewhere between the two. I can tear a child apart and feel no remorse and I can’t explain it. I know what feelings I should have; six months ago I would have never hurt an adult, let alone a child. There is a thrill in it—it’s not always about the meal.”
Darwin said, “The thrill of the hunt. Part of me is dying to chase some prey through the streets and woods and rip them to shreds. What we have here in New Haven is so refined—sophisticated, that our inner animal is being neglected. What we are is primal. We deserve to shed ourselves of this human canvas and live our lives as it was intended. Do you agree?”
“Oh, yes! I’m getting warm just thinking about it.”
Darwin asked with his canines beginning to show, “after our meeting, I think we should treat ourselves to a little run through the woods. Are you up for it?”
Caroline cracked a big smile, but said nothing more. The two returned to city hall for their meeting, but it was their pending snack that remained at the forefront of their minds.
Chapter Three
“Your town’s gracious offer is one we cannot ignore, but you must understand the challenges of relocating and housing these patients. They are not your average psychological subjects. Some of them require special accommodations and—” The Director was cut off in mid sentence causing a precariously close slosh of his coffee.
“Around the clock surveillance, coupled with intensive psychotherapy and pharmaceutical interventions.” Doctor Gagnon threw out her comment in arrogance, “Yes, Mister Kimbel; my medical staff are well versed in these areas.”
“I’m sorry Doctor Gagnon, but I don’t think you understand. Do you know what Riverview’s chief priority was?” Kimbel asked.
The room remained silent so he continued, “Riverview was never intended to treat the mentally dysfunctional, these people are beyond treatment. Bluntly, most of them are walking time bombs because you never know when or what will set them off. The chief priority of Riverview was to ensure that these people never saw the light of day and to protect society—that’s it. So, please forgive me if I sound ungrateful, but you can forget your unerring ideology. For your safety and the safety of others, the security of your hospital must be airtight. Anything less than that is unacceptable.”
Mayor Bollen smiled. “Of course, Mister Kimbel. As a matter of fact, I would like you as our consultant while we retrofit our facility. I want you to be comfortable in turning over control of your patients to us.”
Kimbel squeezed his coffee mug tighter, making his knuckles turn white. “Comfort is a luxury I do not have. The decision to move the facility has already been approved by the Board of Directors against my objections. I am here to liaise, precisely as you have just requested, Ms. Mayor.”
“What are your objections, perhaps we can put them at ease?” Darwin asked from his position leaning against the wall.
“I’m sorry, you are?” Kimbel asked.
“Darwin Foster, I’m with city planning. I admit my qualifications greatly exceed the requirements for a project of this size, just the same, I think I can help.” Darwin pushed himself off the wall and made his way to the liquor he had stashed inside an antique cabinet.
“I see. You won’t mind my asking where you received your education?” Kimbel asked as he eyed the confident young man help himself to a glass of Jack Daniels.
“Would you like one, Mister Kimbel?” Darwin asked, forgetting to offer one to the puppet mayor.
Tara chimed in, “Pour me one, Darwin; and one for Mister Kimbel…I think we could both use it.”
“I’m fine with the coffee. I have a long drive back,” Kimbel said.
“Sure.” Darwin smiled, pouring a drink for Tara and quickly handing it to her. With his own Jack in hand Darwin took a tiny sip which sent a rush through his body. “I’m actually self taught, Mister Kimbel. Education is for the ungifted.”
Kimbel froze, unsure of how to respond and now he was wishing he had taken the drink.
“I’m kidding! I have a degree from UCLA, I actually just graduated, top of my class,” Darwin lied.
“Congratulations, Mister Foster. You look so young to have such a grand accomplishment. You must be very bright?” Kimbel politely implied.
“Actually, I worked very hard to get to where I am. I’m just blessed with youthful looks,” Darwin sneered. “So, what were your concerns? I’m more than willing to bet I have a plan for every concern you may have. You don’t graduate top in your class and then show up to a job unprepared.”
Kimble replied, “Mister Foster, Ms. Bollen…the board simply does not understand the situation. They are a numbers group; the sooner we can close our doors the sooner the land can be sold off. It’s a monies game now. Frankly, I think you could have offered to house the patients in a wooden box and the move would still have been approved. They don’t understand the kind of patients we deal with. We are a repository of evil. Our patients kill for no reason. Some hear voices, some see things but the insanity always drives them to kill. One of our patients broke through his restraints not that long ago. He killed a nurse, but not before biting off her nipples. By the time the orderlies arrived, the patient was running around the room with the nipples plastered to his eyes laughing hysterically. That is not an isolated case, it’s almost the norm at Riverview.”
Kimbel paused and asked, “are you prepared to take on that challenge Ms. Mayor?”
“I think New Haven will put the fear of God into them,” Darwin replied with a smirk and another big slurp of his JD.
Doctor Gagnon asked, “Mister Kimbel, can I count on your assurance that the complete medical history of every patient we receive will accompany them?”
“Of course. Keep in mind, the medical files are more like behavioral logs. The files will tell you a lot but Riverview abandoned treatment years ago. The majority of patients simply receive tranquilizers to keep them calm. I think your attending physicians would be wise to follow the same plan of action that we have,” Kimbel concluded.
“Thank you Mister Kimbel, I will keep that under advisement.” Doctor Gagnon made a notation in her ledger, not looking up.
“How many physicians do you have in New Haven?” Kimbel asked.
“One,” Tara replied.
Kimbel’s hand shuddered from nervous shock. “For the entire town? Now she wants to take on a mental hospital, as well?”
Tara replied with her Public Relations charm, “we are always hopeful that we can acquire more doctors. Fortunately, New Haven is blessed with exceptional health. Doctor Gagnon feels she can
more than handle this proposal. Actually, we’re fortunate to be over-burdened with nursing staff which will help in the interim while we try to find a few more doctors. I’ve grown to trust Doctor Gagnon’s judgment, and if she says she can handle it, then I believe her,” Tara shrugged. “Besides, it sounds like these people don’t need a doctor, they need a jailor.”
“True, but I would feel better for you with a larger team of doctors,” Kimbel said.
“You and I both. I’m always worried that our good fortune could come to an abrupt end. For the moment, I think Doctor Gagnon can handle the situation. If you have any doctors that want to transfer here, I’m sure we would be more than happy to take them on, if that would put your mind at ease.” Tara suggested.
“I will take that back to Riverview and see if there’s any interest in relocating. Honestly, I think the staff will be happy to see it close.” Kimbel stopped, delicately wording his next question.
“A town so utterly perfect, quaint, accommodating and friendly; why on earth would you welcome the doors of Hell to your home?”
Tara smiled a little, “every town has its secrets, a dark side so to speak. New Haven is no different. Our perfection is nothing more than an illusion. We’ve known Hell; we’ve just learnt how to deal with it. Your little hospital will not be a challenge for us, I promise you that. It’s just another way for our town to grow and prosper…to feed our appetite for success.”
“A progressive town; no opportunities turned away?” Kimbel asked.
Darwin laughed. “If we could make something out of toxic waste we’d probably get into that business too! New Haven has been economically depressed for years; when the coal mine shut down the town nearly died. We are reinventing the community—we’re not in a position to be discriminatory. We’ve lost half our population already. If New Haven is to survive, we need industries.”
“Not a lot of money in mental hospitals,” Kimbel uttered as he slurped back his coffee that he had only nursed up until now.
“True,” Darwin admitted. “We’ve developed a more comprehensive plan. A hospital on its own might not generate large amounts of revenue, but in conjunction with a university-specializing in medicine and research, we believe the plan will create an economic engine. It is our hope that the new Hadamar Wellness Retreat and subsequent spin off industries will amount to a twenty percent contributing portion of the town’s treasury within ten years.”